Saturday, April 23, 2011

Quigley from Japan

Since I've decided to make this blog a story blog, I'm going to begin my stories, or a start to a story. These stories are completely off the top of my head, but I feel that is when my talent is at its strongest potential.
 In a small town in Japan, there lived a squirrel named Quigley. Quigley was a strange squirrel. Instead of collecting nuts for the winter, he collected potatoes and bacon bits. He also liked to eat human food. He would dig in dumpsters behind restaurants to find his favorite foods, which were sauteed  mushrooms, green olives, and pineapples. All the other squirrels classified Quigley as the town nut, but he didn't care. He didn't socialize with any of them. His best friend was a miniature schnauzer named Winston. Winston and Quigley practically lived together. Winston didn't fit in with dogs because he could climb trees. Winston and Quigley weren't always friends though. They met one day behind the China Wok (yes, I did say China Wok). The story of their meeting was an interesting one, so I'll leave that for my next blog.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hello. world

I thought since I like to write maybe I should start a blog. I have no idea what to put in a blog, but I supposed thats something I'll figure out along the way. Maybe I could write about what goes on throughout my day, but that sounds as if it'd be a blog by joe schmo. I want this blog to be my creative outlet. I have a few ideas of what to put on here. Anyways, I've gotta go get ready for Pilates.